Design of Rabin-Like Cryptosystem without Decryption Failure
Muhammad Asyraf Asbullah and Muhammad Rezal Kamel Ariffin
Corresponding Email: [email protected]
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In this work, we design a new, efficient and practical Rabin-like cryptosystem without using the Jacobi symbol, redundancy in the message
and avoiding the demands of extra information for finding the correct plaintext. Decryption outputs a unique plaintext without any decryption failure. In addition, decryption only requires a single prime. Furthermore, the decryption procedure only computes a single modular exponentiation instead of two modular exponentiation executed by other Rabin variants. As a result, this reduces the computational effort during the decryption process. Moreover the Novak's side channel attack is impractical over the proposed Rabin-like cryptosystem. In parallel, we prove that the Rabin-$p$ cryptosystem is indeed as intractable as the integer factorization problem.
Keywords: Rabin cryptosystem, modulus $N = p^{2}q$, unique decryption, equivalent to factorization, Chinese remainder theorem